Pengaruh Perubahan Saat Pengapian dengan Menggeser Timing Gear Terhadap Efisiensi Pemakaian Bahan Bakar pada Motor Satria FU150 CC


  • Sugiyarta Program Studi Mesin Otomotif, Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta
  • Suyoko Program Studi Teknik Mesin, Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta

Kata Kunci:

timing, gear, bahan bakar


The results of the study with the title of the effect of changes in ignition timing on the timing gears on fuel consumption on a Suzuki Satria F150 cc motorcycle. Experiments were carried out when a static vehicle used pertalite fuel. Observations when shifting the timing gear backwards at the engine speed of 1000 rpm 2000 rpm, and 3000 rpm with 3 trials obtained the average results of each experiment were 40 ml, 44.6 ml, 50 ml Observation results when the timing gear was normal at engine speed of 1000 rpm, 2000 rpmand 3000 rpm with 3 experiments the average results of the experiment were 44.6 ml, 51 ml and 55 ml and on the experiment advancing the timing gears at engine speed of 1000 rpm, 2000 rpm and 3000 rpm with 3 times of the experiment, the average results of the experiment were 51.6 ml, 54.6 ml and 61.5 ml.


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