Efektivitas Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Premium, Pertalite dan Pertamax Turbo pada Toyota Rush Tahun 2010


  • Burhan Ibnu Mubtadi Program Studi Mesin Otomotif, Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta
  • Basmal Program Studi Mesin Otomotif, Politeknik Pratama Mulia Surakarta
  • Muhammad Fayiz Azzam

Kata Kunci:

Fuel, RPM, Timer


The task of the end of this is a study aims to analyzing the effectiveness of consumption of the fuel namely Premium, Pertalite and Pertamax Turbo on round rpm different namely 1000 rpm, 1,500 rpm and 2000 rpm. The experiment in order to get the data do with the move gas to measure 2 cups pint of aims to the reading the consumption of, then set up a round of the machine with tachometer of 1,000 rpm, 1,500 rpm and 2000 rpm with time that have been determined for 3 minutes. The day of the data do with the fuel Premium beforehand, then Pertalite and last Pertamax Turbo then repeated back to three times in order to get the data that more accurately with the way merata-rata those results, so that produce 9 times trials each one round the engine. It can be seen from the test results that Pertalite is the most effective in terms of consumption because compression pressure is more suitable for Pertalite than Premium and Pertamax Turbo. This is proof that consuming fuel according to the standard / manufacturer will result in maximum consumption effectiveness and of course more economical maintenance costs.


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